Attorney John Culver recently acted as a Workshop Leader at the 2024 San Diego Inn of Court Evidence Workshop. John lead the direct and cross examination exercises performed by six attorney participants. Their experience level ranged from six months to many years.
There were two fact patten scenarios utilized. Each participant took a turn at direct and then cross. John called balls and strikes and then lead a discussion, with the help of a visiting Judge (or attorney), on what worked and what could have been done better or differently. It was a great experience for the participants and John!
The participants included: Athar Khan, Esq.; Mondana Koshfam, Esq.; Shawn Leo, Esq.; Gordon Levinson, Esq.; Alexis Lewis, Esq.; and Poch Liang.
The Hon. Victor Torres sat as a visiting judge on May 14, 2024, to provide positive and instructive feedback. Attorney Anthony Vargas, Esq. sat in and provided invaluable information and feedback the second night.
John was very impressed with how the participants improved over the two days!
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