Over the Memorial Day weekend 2024, LW partner Catherine Naltsas volunteered Saturday, Sunday and Monday at the Valley Greek Festival in Northridge, California. Catherine spent three days mentoring a team of mostly 10 year-olds at the calamari booth, where the children learned to work the register, were trained in food safety, and food preparation. As part of her ongoing philanthropy, Catherine prioritizes youth mentorship at St. Nicholas Church. This event is the single largest fundraiser for her home parish.
Shareholder Lane E. Webb and Partner Shanna Van Wagner achieved a defense verdict on a…
Congratulations to Shannon Gustafson, Amy R. Margolies, and Anita Clarke on their recent victory in…
Attorney Lane E. Webb obtained a defense verdict on all causes of action in a…
Congratulations to Trevor Resurreccion and Bradley Wilson on their recent victory representing a general contractor…
Catherine Naltsas secured an early win for her natural toothpaste client defending a potential class…
A Lynberg & Watkins trial team headed by Shel Harrell and Merily Sanchez just recorded…